Saturday, December 29, 2012


OFWs should be regarded as heroes,
not just tools for our benefit.
Too much of anything is not good.

Recently, I read an article online wherein Daet Bishop Gilbert Garcera mentioned that overpopulation for the Philippines can be good for the country, mainly for three reasons: (a) it increase the number of potential OFWs that can send remittances back to boost the economy, (b) it improves the health care services of other countries, mainly by taking care of their elderly, and (c) it helps spread the Christian faith. He added that Filipino women would make good wives for foreigners and caregivers for the aging populace in countries with low population growth rates. Bishop Garcera further stated that “the overpopulation that breeds poverty was not a problem because poverty itself was not a problem”, even claiming that the tough situation in the country brought people closer to God. He mentioned that the poor person was not a problem simply because he is more likely to help compared to the rich. According to him, poverty and overpopulation are not the problems, but corruption and unequal distribution of wealth are. These comments were made a few days after the controversial RH bill has been made into law, to which the bishop said parts of the new law were not bad.
This kind of attitude may not be bad at all from his eyes, but from a different perspective, this could actually lead to something worse.

I completely understand the point of Bishop Garcera. As a leader of the Catholic Church, it is his moral obligation not only to try to spread the good Word, but also guide Christians in his area to live the good spiritual life. And at first glance, he has a valid point. Economically speaking, the Philippines has been known globally to have manpower as one of its strongest assets. The inability of the government to create enough jobs for its constituents due to the unique oligarchic culture in the country may deprive us of skilled workers for our direct benefit, but the huge sums of money they send back to the country can still benefit us, as long as the money is spent wisely and for the betterment of the Philippines. And despite the slightly declining demand currently for foreigners, the reputation of Filipinos as good caregivers will always serve as an advantage not only for the Philippine economy, but for their respective families and the foreign elderly as well. No matter how much our economy is supposed to be growing at the moment, a boost is always needed for the well-being of the Filipinos.

However, this is where the good ends and the bad begins.

It is troubling that the bishop can say that Filipinas would make good wives for foreigners living in countries with an aging population. It sounds like the bishop is willing to, in a sense “sell” these women to other countries, in effect subjecting them to commodification not only for increased funding for the government and the businesses, but also for helping spread the Christian faith. While I am a Catholic myself and this can very well be the opposite of the true intention of the bishop, that statement alone can come across a lot of people in the wrong way. The statement also contradicts the true nature of the Church, which is to guide the people to treat other people as human beings, not merely tools for your own gain.  
This leads me to the next point of contention: most of the statements made by the bishop are focused solely on materialistic and economic benefit of the country. Is the increase in remittances, health care for foreigners, and number of Catholics/Christians the only reason to view overpopulation in a positive light? Why can’t the Church encourage Filipinos to stay in the Philippines instead of going overseas if they really are serious about helping in developing the country? After all, wouldn’t it be better if Filipinos serve their fellow countrymen first instead of helping the already developed nations become even more developed? Are the Filipino women only worthy of being caregivers for this bishop to make such a comment? Is the Philippines such a doomed place that some people are looking forward to Filipinos finding happiness for their families overseas instead of gracing the Pearl of the Orient with their talents and skills?

Perhaps the most ridiculous of all his comments is about how poverty itself is not a problem. With all due respect, REALLY? Poverty has ALWAYS been a problem not only among Filipinos; it has troubled everybody since the rise of human civilization. Poverty IS the main reason why people around the world suffer. When we are poor, we are deprived or at least lack something. And when we lack something, we would lack the ability to do something that requires something we lack. Whatever the reasons for poverty are, whether it is caused by corruption or an unequal distribution of wealth, it still does not dispute the fact that poverty is one of the main problems that all authorities should concern themselves with, especially the Church.
The bishop can claim all he wants about how poverty is a by-product of overpopulation, but if that is the case, then why would he be willing to let some of the people in the context of an overpopulated country be subjected to poverty just so more money can be remitted to the Philippines, even though there is no guarantee that such funds will actually be used to alleviate these particular people from their potential condition? Shouldn’t the effort be more focused on fighting corruption, which the current administration has slightly and successfully executed? Treating these people as some sort of a sacrifice is, once again contradictory to the very nature of what a bishop, and if applicable the Church as a whole, should be doing.       

With regards to his remarks about the poor being more willing to help than the rich, despite all the moral goodness such person will attain, practically speaking, what good will pure intentions do for the betterment of society if these will not be translated to actual results? Because the rich still holds a vast majority of the resources and means to make the actual difference to society, they will play the crucial role in the country, whether it is overpopulated or not. In this sense, I will agree that the poor person is not the problem; the rich person could be.
Contrary to what many will argue, the Philippines, and by extension the world, is overpopulated (or at least is going towards it). Overpopulation refers to the generally undesirable condition where the population of an organism exceeds the carrying capacity of its habitat. With the depletion of non-renewable resources such as oil to which a lot of our daily activities depend on, the ever-growing threat of climate change that keeps on making our lives that much more complicated and dangerous, the slowly-becoming-a-concern decrease in soil nutrient content that will pose a problem on agriculture sooner than later, and the growing need for water and appropriate land for more people added everyday to mankind, this state will be reached, if not already reached. If anyone thinks that the benefits of overpopulation will outweigh the negative consequences, they are dead wrong.

There is a reason why balloons can only take as much air as they can. If it takes too much, it will burst and it will never be the same. The same can happen with mankind. Overpopulation is not an overstatement.
If you would like to read the article, the following is the link:  





Wednesday, August 8, 2012


How can this happen twice within three years? With human actions,
nothing is impossible.
History has always indicated that man adapts to nature. Some rules are not meant to be broken. This is one of them.      

If there was any doubt about the current phenomenon of climate change, the previous week should have erased them from your thoughts. Make no mistake about this: we have just witnessed what has been termed by the government as the “new norm”. And it’s scary. Really scary.

Why shouldn’t you feel this way? As if the fact that the amount of rainfall brought by a mere southwest monsoon (with an assist from a typhoon outside the Philippines) exceeded the precipitation output of typhoon Ondoy in a shorter amount of time is not enough, the same effect is replicated for almost a week. The gap of three years between two destructive calamities of the same nature in the same area is rarely recorded (if not previously unheard of) in the history books.

To make things worse, the history of Metro Manila has the words poor urban planning written all over it. The geographic location of Metro Manila as a whole has made it a key location for economic activities in the Asia-Pacific region, effectively drawing people to opportunities within the new center of the archipelago. To accommodate the increase in population, subdivisions and slums alike are built along the mouths and banks of the rivers. The population boom brought about an economic boom, which allowed people to consume everything like there’s no tomorrow. Unfortunately, this also led to accumulation of a lot of waste, necessitating the construction of a metropolis-wide sewage system. However, the low elevation of Metro Manila made this practically improbable, leading to poor waste management where the poor people threw their garbage into the rivers and canals and the more well-to-do subscribed to non-biodegradable plastics without giving a thought about recycling. Oh, and do not forget all the deforestation and the pollution that ensued as the by-products of all the chaos in the metropolis for the past 100 years or so.

If this is the situation in the supposedly most developed part of the island (and the whole country as a whole), the scenario in the nearby provinces just gets worse. While these areas are certainly greener than Metro Manila, it is safe to say that significant portions of the provinces are urbanizing as well, which does not bode well for the flora and fauna in the area. The lack of a proper waste management system, along with a general lack of flood control system, just makes the situation more gruesome in these areas.    

Add all of these elements up, and what is the end result of this massive recipe for disaster in 2012? Hundreds of thousands of families misplaced and deprived of basic necessities outside relief goods and evacuation centers. Entire villages submerged in meters-high dirty floodwater. Billions of pesos worth of damage dealt to agricultural, commercial, and residential properties. A million more traumatic memories added to the getting-longer-by-the-minute list of disaster-related stories of survival.

Could this be a glimpse of what the Mayans have predicted about the end of the current world as we know it? Probably, but what they could not have seen is how we will respond to the “new norm”. And there is a way to adapt to the changing climate.

The first things that come to most minds in terms of solving the flood control issue, and the rest of the man-induced environment problems, are “building a proper waste management system”, “constructing an appropriate flood control system”, “building more dams to control the flow of floodwater”, “clean up the clogged rivers and canals”, and “relocate the residents living in the slums to areas more suitable to both their needs and the environment”.

But these are activities that need a lot of money, time, and manpower to do. What can a common Filipino do to adapt to the changing climate?

Maybe if environmental science is introduced into
the curriculum, then the entire nation will probably
go green ...
Everything starts with having the knowledge of everything you need to know regarding how to deal with the “new norm”, which is why it will be for the best if the subject of Environmental Science is introduced to the basic curriculum of both grade school and high school students.

I am not a fan of the newly-introduced K+12 system of education because it exerts more pressure on the poorer families to keep up with the rising costs of education, despite a lack of improvement of standard of living across all sectors of the Philippine society. And I understand that introducing yet another subject in the list of fields that young minds have to absorb (most of whom simply want to get a job after they finish studying) in a way contradicts with my stance of extending the number of years a Filipino child has to study. I also know that questions such as “Where do we get the teachers?” and “Where do we get the resources?” are valid points of contention in terms of questioning the feasibility of such undertaking.

However, allow me to respond to such questions. First, unlike the perennially disputed Mathematics courses like geometry and calculus, there is no question that an Environmental Science subject is absolutely necessary at the current context of our society despite having not much been thought upon by many in terms of practical areas of knowledge. This is why I question the proposal to not introduce Science to Grade 1 and 2 pupils; if the youth are not at least made aware of how the natural wonders of the world work at such an early age, then how will they be able to effectively comprehend the things going on around them when their cognitive functions begin to fully develop, by the time they have to critically think?

Second, with regards to the resources, I am aware that not many teachers and other related professionals are familiar or possessing full comprehension of the terms and concepts necessary to understand environmental science because of the overall poor state of the Philippine education system. However, I would like to suggest a more localized approach in terms of teaching environmental science concepts to students. Depending on the location and climate of the areas the students are living in, the concepts more applicable to their local environments should be emphasized more so that they will be more able to adapt to the times when disasters happen. As examples, for the youth living near the rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, topics such as the water cycle, water pollution, and waste management should have more focus, while concepts such as landslides and deforestation must be emphasized to those living in the mountains.

I would also like to suggest a more hands-on approach should environmental science be accepted into the curriculum of primary and secondary schools. Making activities more interactive and creative can surely attract the attention of students of all interests and personalities, enough for them to be engaged in learning and understanding environmental science. For instance, it will be good to see that the cleanliness-and-orderliness staple of schools across the Philippines receive even more emphasis from the school principals and teachers by encouraging the kids to segregate and recycle. The pupils can even explore their inner da Vinci by making artworks out of recyclables. Planting seeds and taking care of the sprouting plants can also be a fun yet effective way of reminding grade school and high school students alike of both the privilege of seeing nature work right before their eyes and the responsibilities they have in terms of protecting the environment. It would also be good to see students in the metropolis go on field trips to nearby natural hills and rivers, if their resources permit them to do so. Even trips to the nearest zoo will help them grow fonder of other creatures that will be affected by the threat of climate change. For those in the provinces, as they are generally nearer places such as marshes, grasslands, lakes, and mountains, going out on the fields to appreciate the beauty of nature will not be as hard as for those in the cities.

I know that this does not apply to all areas of the country, but the power of social media and the Internet can also aid in educating the young minds in the field of environmental science. The Information Age has gifted humanity the ability to search for and use information anytime, anywhere … as long as you have an Internet connection or access to Wi-Fi. By being able to communicate with other professors, researchers, and other related professionals, as well as read the latest news and study the latest findings by scientists around the world, the pool of knowledge of the teachers will deepen, and as long as they are able to communicate well with the students, the understanding of the youth regarding how to take care of their environment will be enhanced as well.

And while schools are the primary institutions for academic education, it is still important that they receive the practical education at home as well. If the parents and other older relatives can share their first-hand accounts of their encounters with the currently-rapidly-changing climate, if the siblings and cousins can bond with the younger ones in doing chores such as sweeping the floor, wiping dust off furniture, and cleaning the dishes, if the family can find ways of spending quality time together without unnecessarily using energy by going out more and seeing the blessings of nature …     

Only by taking the risk on a full-blown environmental
education can we help ourselves achieve this ideal equilibrium.
That is a lot of ‘IF’s and ‘AS LONG AS’s for this scheme to prove effective. And there are still quite a number of issues regarding the implementation of this plan that I have yet to discuss. Perhaps the biggest of these problems will be the language to be used as a medium of communication. Most of the environmental science concepts are currently expressed in English in the Philippines, with terms too complex and deep at the moment to effectively place the plan into action for the foreseeable future. There are already enough issues with the usage of English as a primary medium of instruction outside the cities, where the cultural identities of communities remain strong; effective communication can be a headache for everybody involved.

Another issue can be the willingness of certain government officials to implement the curriculum effectively. What do they have to lose, you’d ask? Well, should environmental science be instituted in the curriculum of grade schools and high schools, the money that comes along with its implementation is simply a treasure waiting to be poached by these no-good authorities. They seem to have the philosophy of “money as the only green that matters in my life”, which spells trouble for all of us.

Yet we have to take the risk. The threat of climate change has never been more evident than the past three years in Luzon, where two powerful downpours of rain stopped all kinds of normal activity amongst the populace. The “new norm” has begun. If we do not try to increase the awareness of the succeeding generations about what happens when we try to ignore nature with our reckless behavior as soon as possible, then what happens to our children and grandchildren years from now?

No matter what other people say, the Philippines is a democratic nation. If the government ever expects to see the nation rise up from every storm that strikes it and stay up as much as possible, they will need the support of all Filipinos. And the Filipinos will only be able to understand exactly what is going on around them if they have at least a full basic knowledge of just about why the things happening around them actually happen. In the same way, if the Filipinos expect to improve their chances of living the best quality of life possible, they may have to listen to the government and follow the authorities during times of evacuation and relief operations. They will need the government for help and support, whether there are calamities or not.

And in the middle of all of this, a simple ounce of awareness can prevent all of these from happening again. The words environmental and science has never been more relevant … and necessary.

We have two strikes. Should we wait for the third to strike us like a poison that kills a nation?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


There are literally a thousand reminders
of what aided in the making of this tragedy ...

We should have seen this coming.

It has only been three years since the typhoon Ondoy struck Metro Manila (and the rest of Luzon) with ferociousness and intensity unseen for a long time. Entire villages were submerged, roads were turned into dirty pools of water, and people were motionless and helpless as they waited for somebody to rescue them from isolated areas. Many feared that this phenomenon will happen again sooner than later.

And it has. Just last week, despite the lack of typhoons present in the Philippine area of responsibility, Metro Manila was once again hit hard by heavy rainfall. The harsh memories of September 2009 became a reality once again to everybody who lived that time to bear witness to what is clearly the effect of careless anthropogenic activities.

There is no denying that poor waste management is one of these man-made reasons behind the intensified flooding. Granted that the amount of rainfall that fell all over Metro Manila over the past week is comparable to the precipitation that hits Metro Manila on average in a month, which undeniably contributes to submerging most of the low-lying areas of the metropolis, but it would not have been as severe if it is not for improper disposal of wastes.

By failing to practice proper waste disposal by throwing garbage as small as candy wrappers to unwanted items as large as plastic bags into rivers and canals, these wastes can be directed into drainage systems, where they clog the drains, causing wastewater and garbage pile-up. This is critical for a low-lying area like Metro Manila, which falls under the Pampanga delta region, making it extremely prone to flooding and subsidence.   

Complicating the situation is the amount of waste generated by Metro Manila. Being the political, economic, and social center of the country, it produces around 8500 tons of trash everyday (as of 2011), with 2/3 being biodegradable wastes such as food scraps and paper, and 1/3 being plastic materials and the other non-biodegradable wastes. With only nine of the 17 cities of Metro Manila having a solid waste management plan and a general lack of discipline from the residents of Metro Manila living below the poverty line (as of 2011), comprising around a fifth of the people living in the metropolis, an urgency to lead the way for promoting proper waste management is completely necessary.

We, as Ateneans, know better than most of the other Filipinos. Most of us live around Metro Manila for the time being, so we can see first-hand how simply failing to throw our trash in the right places can ultimately haunt us in the end. We observe trash being carried by the strong currents of rampaging rivers and ferocious floods. We look around our surroundings afterwards to spot banana peels, plastic cups, and food containers scattered all over the place.

We, as Ateneans, have more access to information and immediate communication than most of the other Filipinos. As part of the university, we are expected “to preserve, extend, and communicate truth and apply it to human development and the preservation of the environment”. We are obliged to “devote our lives to the service of others and, through the promotion of justice, serve especially those who are most in need of help, the poor and the powerless”. We are demanded “to strive for the greater glory of God and the greater service of mankind”.

We may not have seen this coming, but it is not too late to start. Simply being aware of where to properly throw that piece of candy wrapper is a small step to lifting ourselves from drowning in our sins to Mother Nature.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Two more years of high school? Try
telling these students how that feels ...

Does more necessarily mean merrier?

Starting today, the Department of Education began implementing the K-12 educational system, which meant kindergarten and Grade 1 students of today and subsequent years will have to endure at least two more years of education through primary and secondary schools.

According to the Aquino administration, this move is an improvement over the previous educational system for several reasons. First, the increased number of years of schooling will give the students more time to complete essentially the same set of subjects offered in the previous system, giving them lesser workload and (in theory) better focus on their academic and non-academic endeavors, which should lead to an overall improvement of the performance of the students. Second, the curriculum itself will be more oriented towards the core subjects (Mathematics, English, and Science) throughout the 12 years of schooling, and electives that enhance the skills of the students relative to their chosen field of specialization as they near their entry to their respective college or university. Third, with the expected increase in students and workload for all those involved in the educational system, the system will feature an increased role of the “native tongue” languages for communicating important information with the students.

When you look at the arguments at first, they sound mostly foolproof. Just like wine that tastes better when prepared and processed longer, students who are given more time to exert effort will (in theory) become more efficient in their schoolwork and future careers. By orienting their efforts towards what they want and what they need to learn, their interest and attention in schoolwork is enhanced, if not optimized, which should lead to a better performance. And as school is supposed to be the second home of students, using their first dialect or language should make them more comfortable at school, further leading to better results.
However, the K-12 system figures to be more of a fresh slice of pizza with a lot of toppings on the outside, but can burn your mouth when it’s not cool enough.

Firstly, despite the near 30-million-peso budget increase for the Department of Education for this year, the immediate implementation of the K-12 system can lead to a worsening of the current state of education in the Philippines. With the population growth not expected to slow down any time soon, even the current growth of the Philippine economy (as seen by the increase in GNP) and the boosted funding for schools might not be enough to overcome the current shortage of books and other school materials to accommodate the expected increased student population for the foreseeable future. With the expanded student population, more classrooms are needed to be built, even though a significant number of schools across the country still lack the proper places for classes to be held. More teachers are also required for two more years of schooling, but the current shortage of teachers and an even more severe deficiency of trained and qualified teachers stay as a big problem. In short, the very foundation of the Philippine education system remains unstable at best, given the current conditions.

In relation to said point, I believe it is a bad idea (at least for now) for the government to start pushing for tablet-based readings this early into the new implementation of the K-12 system. It may save paper and make the learning process more interactive and, by extension more fun to the youth, but how can you implement such a high-tech system while there are so many hard-to-reach areas down South with children who have absolutely no access to any of the comforts and benefits of schooling and what people with access to “modern necessities” such as computers and cellphones, even the basic necessities such as food and shelter? If simply creating an image to the world that the Philippine educational system is making a historic leap from conventional to technological, we are fooling nobody but ourselves.

Second, by adding two more years of secondary schooling to the academic life of the youth right now, you also add two years of burden to the family, especially those earning at or below minimum wage. For instance, in Metro Manila, the current minimum wage is barely above P400 a day. While this is, in fact the third highest rate in Southeast Asia (behind Singapore and Malaysia), this is still not enough for the poorer sector of Philippine society. If even one child from a family below poverty line manages to enter high school, the family still has to deal with increased expenses over a longer period of time, putting more pressure on the parents to deliver financially for the children and likely forcing the child’s brothers and sisters to abandon pursuing their academic endeavors to help in financially supporting their sibling as that child through secondary school. Even then, the child may still lack the proper materials he/she needs to comfortably study in his/her secondary school, placing the child at a disadvantage compared to his/her more fortunate classmates. The situation becomes even worse at rural areas, where the lower wages (if the family earns any) and lower quality of education simply makes schooling more difficult for the youth.

Third (and perhaps the one with the biggest immediate effect on the nation as a whole), to be able to make the transition as smooth and quick as possible, where are we going to get the funds? Of course no plan with such huge implications can be executed overnight, but if the government will be making a hard push for the K-12 system, who will provide the money needed to make the life of the students easier and more productive?

While in no way I question the sincerity of President Aquino in his personal pursuit of good governance, some shady characters (by nature) might look to take advantage of this massive undertaking by making quick, big bucks through illegal transactions with big-time corporations, especially concerning the tablets and the construction of more schools and classrooms. If we have not learned our lesson from the ZTE-NBN scandal by now (this also involved high-tech equipment being acquired for national usage with widespread implications), we could be in another embarrassing situation five to ten years from now. Not only will it be a big blow to the President in power if that happens, it will hamper any progress we have made in making the Philippines a great nation to live in.

Finally, just because there is more time for students to focus on their studies through the K-12 system does not mean they will focus on their studies. The current globalization and modernization has undoubtedly captured the attention of the youth (well, at least the urban youth) from all walks of life. It will still be up to the schools themselves to efficiently implement the knowledge they have to pass on to the students. It’s an age-old problem that only the creative and the resourceful can truly master and successfully use. And when it comes to creativity and resourcefulness, perhaps there is no other group of people that has more potential to use it than the Filipinos.

I am not against the implementation of the K-12 educational system. In fact, I believe it eventually will lead to the overall improvement of the Philippine educational system in the future. What I believe needs to be done is implement the K-12 educational system only when the Philippines is truly ready for such serious shift. Just because every nation in the world, up to this point, has the K-12 system in place except for the Philippines and two African nations does not mean we have to follow suit as soon as we can; rather we can try to improve the system we have while we wait for the right time to change the status quo.

The history of the Philippines has been marked with men and women rushing through their stride for change which will indirectly lead to their demise, such as Andres Bonifacio prematurely starting the Revolution of 1896, and the Commonwealth leaders wanting immediate independence after a devastating World War II. Although not bloody at all, the immediate implementation of the K-12 system can lead to serious consequences.

Remember: quality beats quantity every time.