Monday, March 14, 2011


Has 2012 come 21 months and 10 days early?

The Earth-shaking, mind-trembling, life-altering (8.9 to 9.1)-magnitude earthquake that rocked Japan to its core was simply both a demonstration of the truepower of nature and a reminder of just how everything changes ... in 15 minutes or less.

If you saw those videos revealing a massive tsunami sweeping (or wiping out) all those homes and towers 5 miles inland with all sorts of debris created from the things it destroyed along the way ...

If you saw those videos unveiling the explosion of the nuclear power plants, along with an amazing yet frightening view of the bursts of flame, chemicals, and smoke into the air ...

If you saw the images of the poor Japanese adults and children, faces struck with shock, fear, and doubt, bodies showing signs of physical and emotional trauma, wondering if there is still any kind of future for them ...

And that's not all. The power of the earthquake moved Japan by 8 feet and shifted the Earth's axis by a few centimeters. Both measurements do not seem huge to make a difference, but since we are "microspecies" compared to the planet, it sure does. Even the emotistical beings will finally notice the quick passing of days, since the Earth now spins faster. Weather patterns will also slowly but surely deviate from its current state. It could lead to Antarctica facing the Sun more directly than usual, which could lead to a quicker melting of polar ice caps already trigerred by global warming. It could lead to the winds blowing in a different direction, affecting the templates of seasons, two or four.

The lesson we can learn from this is that anything can happen in the bink of an eye.

For now, all we can do is pray and hope for the best.

I still have faith that 2013 is still waiting for us ...

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